Newspapers spend a lot of time and ink on disasters and catastrophes like Sandy Hook and Aurora, Colorado and spectacular workplace violence shootings, and hell’s bells, I can’t much blame them.  Sells a lot of papers and brings in a lot of viewers, too.

But there is another constant in the drama that exists in our schools.  And that is the trauma that attends these catastrophic incidents, the fear many of our kids face daily about walking inside their school dioors every day and being able to walk back through those doors at the end of the day.  To some, check that, to many of our children and young adults, the pressures and stress attendant with the daily reality of bullying, peer pressure and even ridicule, domestic problems at home, etc. actually make the fear of an active shooter shrink when compared to what they must face daily.

So then, let’s consider for a second what our schools are doing, or our not doing when it comes to intervening with students who may be suicidal or may represent a (potential) threat to others (because of the stress, emotional issues, etc).

A Student Who May Be Suicidal

  • Any parent, teacher, fellow student, security officer, or administrator who has reason to believe that a student may be suicidal ormay be a threat to others should take all comments seriously, especially if details of as plan are shared.
  • Immediately report concerns to an adminsitrator, et al.

More in the next post


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