IS IT ME, OR are we seeing and experiencing more violence than ever before?  Hell, just the past two days we see a shooting in a Cincinnati night club, a shooting on the Las Vegas Strip.  Several dead many more seriously injured.  Course, a week ago in England a confirmed terrorist kills a handful of innocent people with his car, then attacks and kills an unarmed officer with an edged weapon.  So, I just answered my own question.  It ain’t me.

In recent posts I have made some ominous predictions (“We Need A Sheepdog A We Need One Real Bad”), basically speculating that terrorists (Active Killers/Shooters) are soon (“soon” could be in the next five years) coming to our schools, day care centers (what a mess that would be for America), school buses, and, among other places we hold dear, Houses of Worship!  Without rehashing details from other posts, this is based on several unimpeachable experts, plus my studies of trends in Europe and the Middle East, which appear to be “rehearsals” for what thee foreign haters want to do here.

Who really knows, readers?  Are these experts and I full of crap?  Hopefully, we are.  But, the thing is, even if we are misguided, we still must develop and maintain a more vigilant mentality in these places because, like I said earlier, violence is everywhere, and it makes sense that it could leak into those places where our children and other innocents can be found.


In the next few posts I will discuss a training program designed to instill a hunter-like mindset in our Marines in combat, engineered to give them maximum Situational Awareness, to proactively seek out (and destroy) threats, and, at the end of the day, develop a “bias for action.”  The concept has one major theme.  And that is to instill a mindset (and commitment) in our soldiers (yes, that is the design and intent, but the author’s of this concept agree that is can be and should be a valuable mindset for law enforcement, security and concerned citizens).  This life preserving program is called the Combat Hunter Course, adopted for our Marines in combat overseas.  This course teaches Marines what their conventional training does not, which is, not only how to deal with the bad guys – but how to spot them in the first place , particularly when they look and act exactly like the good guys.

The idea here is to stay “left of bang.”  “Bang” being the explosive incident.  A successful terror attack being one of them.  This means that “right of bang” is being reactive.  The shooting of dooming event has already taken place and we are left picking up the pieces.  We are occupied with asking “what just happened and what can we do next time (not to mention blaming others for not protecting our innocent victims)?

In one personification or another, I have been preaching and teaching a “Left of Bang” mentality for decades.  For instance, the Four P’s:  (1) Preparation; (2) Prevention; (3) Practice and (4) Proactivity.

Enough said.  For now.  In the next post, “Taking Action.”

Until then, stay safe.

Harry the Hammer


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